The World Health Organisation strongly recommends acupuncture for hay fever (seasonal rhinitis). Clinical trials have shown this natural medicine to be more effective than antihistamine drugs.
The AcuMedic Clinic offers a special acupuncture programme designed to treat your hay fever by gently strengthening the immune system and its ability to cope with the allergens that trigger the symptoms such as itchy and sore eyes and throat, sneezing, nasal inflammation and other related discomforts.
The Chinese Medical doctors at AcuMedic have decades of experience of successfully treating hay fever with acupuncture and will tailor the treatment to your individual health needs, including any other health issues you might be having at the moment.
For best results, you should start the treatment before the pollen season begins or as soon as you experience the symptoms.
All the acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatments at AcuMedic are compatible with Western medicine. Many of our hay fever patients have found the prescribed Chinese Medicine to be more helpful than Western medications.
Click here to view our guide on how to naturally Relieve Your Allergies, and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
For further information on hay fever, including the list of clinical trials of acupuncture, please click here to visit our dedicated Hay Fever information page.
All AcuMedic patients are entitled to free advice from our in-house GMC-registered GP.
IN THE PRESS “Research shows acupuncture to dramatically reduce hay fever symptoms” – Daily Mail