Success. Have a nice day.

As part of our ongoing commitment to caring for the well-being of our patients, all water served at the AcuMedic Clinic and used at the chinalife Tea House is now revitalised water.

The AcuMedic Centre is now the UK’s first and only revitalised water centre.

High quality water is a fundamental requirement for good health and we are determined to give you the best water possible.

For AcuMedic Clinic Patients

Revitalised water is available for our patients to drink for free at the AcuMedic Clinic. This is in addition to the free complementary teas, now served by chinalife using revitalised water.

Your body is 60% water and we hope that each of our patients can benefit from drinking water brought back to its full nourishing and cleansing potential.

Revitalised Water at AcuMedic Clinic


By providing you with revitalised water AcuMedic and chinalife are now part of a leading group of forward-thinking multi-national companies who are using water revitalisation to improve the quality of their services and products.

Revitalised water is now adopted by industries round the world, including hospitality, catering, artisan and industrial food and beverages production, to enhance the well-being of people and their environment.

Daimler Mercedes-Benz use revitalised water in their coolant system to reduce chemicals. Hotels in China and Thailand, as well as the Vienna airport, have installed water revitalisation units in their entire air conditioning systems to reduce airborne bacteria. Grander water is also used in prestigious hotels in Germany (including Hotel Kaiserhof), Austria (The White Horse Inn) and USA (Seaport Hotel).

Swimming pools verify that they need to use 50% less chlorine after installing the water revitalisation system. Studies have shown that growing fruits and vegetables with revitalised water improves yield. There are laundry companies that find that they have to use less detergents to clean their clothes when using revitalised water. Food companies confirm that their products have longer shelf life and better texture and flavour. The applications of revitalised water are limitless.


There is testimonial evidence of patients who use revitalised water reporting freedom from joint pain, better sleep, and improved general mood and energy.

Industries and scientific studies have empirically proven the incredible microbial resistance found in revitalised water.

There are testimonial reports of dermatologists using revitalised water to treat eczema and other skin conditions.

Studies have shown that revitalised water reduces organo-chloride compounds by up to 70% (cuts the DNA mutating effect of chlorine).

Anecdotal live blood microscopy analysis have shown that regular consumption of revitalised water improved the function of white blood cells and reduced congestion, bacteria and yeast of blood plasma.

People who wash with revitalised water feel a clear improvement in the softness of their skin and hair becomes softer and more manageable.

For more information, click here to read the brochure introducing revitalised water and the system behind it.