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Personal Statement

“When I read my first book on acupuncture while studying at the Medical School I was intrigued. At the time, there was nothing like it taught in the Western medical world. My first acupuncture course was in 1980 and over the next 30 years I have been studying — and teaching — acupuncture whilst working as a general practitioner. Many patients are surprised that Western medicine-trained doctors are practising Chinese Medicine.” Dr Phillip Vernon


Dr Vernon graduated from the Sheffield University Medical School in 1977. He is a qualified member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) and of the Royal College of Physicians (LRCP).

In the 1980s, Dr Vernon began his training as a GP in Bedfordshire and was certified as a general practitioner in 1981 by the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice (JCPTGP).

During his GP training, Dr Vernon was tutored in acupuncture by Dr Colin Lessell and continued his studies in acupuncture under Dr Julian Kenyon and George Lewith in Liverpool, later taking over Dr Kenyon’s practice in 1982.

In 1998, Dr Vernon gained a Diploma in Medical Acupuncture (BMAS) and also graduated with a Diploma in Chinese Medicine from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine having completed the latter course at the Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR).


Dr Vernon has 36 years of experience as a medical doctor, GP and consultant in Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. His clinical work includes practising acupuncture at Liverpool’s Walton Hospital Pain Clinic (1982-89).

Academic Work

Dr. Vernon is a Fellow of the Chinese Medical Institute and Register and also a member of its Steering Committee. He has written a handbook on acupuncture Guide to the Location and Use of 48 Important Points and has contributed to the CMIR’s academic projects as an author and editorial advisor. He has also co-chaired CMIR symposiums on the integration of Chinese Medicine.

Dr Vernon was involved in teaching the CMIR courses and delivered Ear Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy, and, Electro-acupuncture, Tens and Laser modules as part of the Chinese Medicine and Syndrome Acupuncture Diploma course for medical doctors and healthcare professionals.

Clinical Specialities

Dr Vernon uses acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as a generalist practitioner. He also serves as the in-house GP supervisor to his colleagues and also as advisor to patients regarding Western medicine.

Experience Working in the UK

Dr Vernon has been practising in the UK since 1978 and has also worked in Queensland, Australia, as a GP and medical acupuncturist between 1990-1993.

“I treat a wide variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain and injuries; digestive; respiratory and gynaecological conditions etc. As part of my treatment what I often advise to my patients is how they can allow their bodies a fuller range of movements by using exercises such as yoga or Tai Chi. I show my patients how they can fit these exercises into their daily lives. I advise and I make suggestions but I’m never dogmatic about it.”

More About Dr Vernon

“I do have hobbies which are: birdwatching – but am not a twitcher – gardening; and studying about stone age technologies and early acupuncture needle production.”