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Personal Statement

“As far back as when I was a school boy I can remember seeing a member of my family visiting a Chinese Medical doctor in China to get herbal medicine for insomnia. This is what attracted me to study at the Chinese Medical University and to become a practitioner.” Dr Wan


Dr Wan graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Medicine from the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin, China, in 1985 following 5 years of study. After spending three years gaining clinical experience in the Department of Internal Medicine at the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University, he completed a three-year Master’s degree course in the Advanced Study of Chinese Medicine, also at Tianjin University.

Academic Work

From 1998 until 2002, Dr Wan has also worked as an Associate Chief Physician in the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University where he taught the Third Year and Final Year students of the Bachelor’s degree course in Chinese Medicine. Dr Wan has led the students’ clinical training in the Department of Internal Medicine.

Dr Wan is the principal lecturer for the Diploma of Chinese Medicine and Syndrome Acupuncture. He also teaches the Herbal Prescriber Certificate and CPDs.


Practising since 1985, Dr Wan has almost 30 years of clinical experience. After graduating with a Master’s degree in Advanced Chinese Medicine in 1991, Dr Wan already had three years of experience at the Department of Internal Medicine at the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University.

In 1991, Dr Wan returned to the Internal Medicine department and worked at the Hospital as the House Physician. In 1994, he was appointed as the department’s Physician-in-Charge, and, in 1999 as the Deputy Physician-in-Chief.

In 2002, Dr Wan moved to the United Kingdom and worked as an Acupuncturist and Herbalist in various Chinese Medical clinics around the country.

Clinical Specialties

Using his vast experience in internal medicine, Dr Wan is able to treat most conditions. He specialises in pain relief and conditions such as migraine; arthritis as well as skin conditions and various eye disorders.

Experience Working in the UK

Dr Wan settled in the United Kingdom in 2002 and has over 12 years experience of working in this country. He has worked as an Acupuncturist and Herbalist in Birmingham as well as in London.

“In my clinical experience the most common conditions in the UK are stress, anxiety, depression and poor quality sleep. I use acupuncture and Chinese herbs to provide treatment that is helpful for these kinds of problems.”

More About Dr Wan

“Gardening is one of my favourite activities. I spend a lot of my spare time reading books about Chinese Medicine. Working as a doctor you must make continuous progress through non-stop studying. You can’t be a good practitioner without ongoing studies.”